PS: It's Poetry

PoetrySoup Has Published its First Anthology—PS: It's Poetry—a title published by PoetrySoup and Arczis Web Technologies, Inc. Special permission has been obtained for each copyrighted poem in this volume, and the right to publish has been explicitly given to the publisher of this anthology by the respective poets.

Over 1600 poems were submitted, but only around 600 were chosen by the editors for inclusion in this anthology. This represents the poetry of 437 poets, which is approximately 1% of the almost 40,000 members on PoetrySoup. I am pleased to report that two of my poems, "Mirage" and "Cycle of Seasons," are included in the anthology.

This anthology is a collection of the work of various poets from all over the world. PoetrySoup will start promoting the book soon to the world. By reading these diverse works, it is hoped that people will become more understanding, compassionate, and empathetic towards all people.

The 495-page book contains two tables of contents (TOC)—one TOC by poem title and another by author name. The TOCs are at the back of the anthology. It is available in paperback and has been reasonably priced. You can purchase the book on Here are the links for Canada, the UK and USA: (USA) (UK) (Canada)


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